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Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure, which has proven effective for removing excess fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, from specific areas of the body. Areas that can be treated include the chin, abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, back, knees, jowls, and neck. Though proven effective for body sculpting, this surgical technique is not intended as a weight loss procedure.
Liposuction treatment is appropriate for men and women alike. People who are physically healthy and psychologically stable with normal body weight and having localized areas of superfluous fat, are the ideal candidates for liposuction. Slightly overweight persons can also benefit from liposuction, but cannot get results as good as those of people with normal body weight. The results of liposuction are more or less permanent. You might gain weight after the procedure. However, the fat won't get deposited in the treatment area; it would be more evenly distributed throughout the body.
Liposuction is considered safe, but rare complications and risks might occur. Only small incisions are needed in the areas targeted for treatment - this is one of the main advantages of liposuction. The scars are usually a quarter of an inch in length. In most of the cases, the incisions are made in a natural body crease or in a concealed area.
The results of liposuction will depend on a number of factors, such as age, weight, skin elasticity, body fluid and overall health. Skin quality is a major consideration in liposuction. Liposuction can improve the shape and tone of your body, but it does not improve cellulite. Cellulite is a skin condition, in which a kind of superficial fat is trapped in pockets underneath the top layer of the skin, most prevalent in the thigh and hip area. Liposuction is not effective for eliminating cellulite or for correcting loose hanging skin.
Traditional liposuction has been available for many years. Though effective, it was fairly traumatic to the body, resulting in significant blood loss, more swelling, and long recovery period. During the past decade, liposuction surgery has seen a tremendous advancement in the techniques used, making it now more effective in removing unwanted fat deposits with maximum safety.
A number of different techniques are used for liposuction at present, and the most widely used techniques are: tumescent technique, ultrasound assisted liposuction, power assisted liposuction, and laser assisted liposuction.
Tumescent technique is a relatively safe option in liposuction. The technique involves injecting high volumes of anesthetic fluid into the areas to be treated. Tumescent liposuction permits more accurate fat removal, while causing less blood loss. Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL) is a technique where ultrasonic energy is applied to break up fat cells prior to removal. This technique is considered more effective for removing fibrous fat that is usually found in the upper back, and male breast area. Swelling and bruising are less, resulting in a quick recovery.
Another breakthrough in body sculpting, Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL), uses a motor-powered cannula that vibrates minutely to loosen fat cells from the body for easier suction. The excessive fat accumulation can be removed much more gently without harming the surrounding tissue. This procedure requires shorter procedure time, lesser recovery time, and ensures improved safety.
Laser-assisted liposuction is one of the most popular and successful procedures used now for melting away excess fat. SmartLipo is the first FDA-approved laser-assisted lipolysis system, designed for excess fat removal and body toning. SmartLipo also tightens loose, saggy skin, which could not be successfully effected by the earlier methods. Only local anesthesia is required to perform this surgery. This method offers far more advantages than other liposuction techniques in terms of safety, comfort, and treatment quality. The pain and discomfort is minimal. Smartlipo entails only lesser recovery time; the patients can often return to normal activities and work within a few days. The surgeon usually advises a day or two of rest. If the amount of fat removed is large, recovery time might be longer. Liposuction surgery is performed by Dr. Theodorou at our state-of-the-art facility. Dr. Theodorou is the surgical director of Park Avenue Smart Lipo. For more details please log on to http://www.parkavenuesmartlipo.com.
While all these different techniques exist, the final results depend upon the skill of the surgeon performing the surgery.
The surgery is usually performed as outpatient surgery, under complete anesthesia for the patient. Patients are given ample opportunity to meet and discuss pain relief options with our anesthesiologist prior to any procedure. The anesthesiologist will be present throughout the process. The procedure time ranges from half an hour to three hours depending on the number of sites to be treated, and the complexity of your surgery. Nursing staff and other service personnel will be assigned to provide adequate post-operative monitoring. The assigned patient care coordinator will guide the patient through all stages of the process, from scheduling surgery to making accommodation arrangements.
Depending on the liposuction procedure, the patients might be asked to wear a support garment, which has to be worn continuously for the prescribed number of days, except while bathing. Soreness in the treated areas will last for about 48 hours. Bruising usually lasts for two weeks. Bleeding and infection are other adverse effects, but very uncommon.
Liposuction surgery can bring about desired change within a very short period of time. Significant improvements can be seen within a few weeks, and permanent positive results can be seen within a few months.
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