212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285
Are you worried about the signs of aging in your neck such as sagging skin and folds, wrinkles and color changes? The effective neck lift surgery offered at the Practice of Dr. Spero J Theodorou in NYC helps you to address these concerns and achieve a youthful-looking, attractive neck contour. The surgeon tightens the skin and underlying muscles and improves the contour of the jaw line to enhance facial harmony.
To be the right candidate for the procedure, you have to be in good general health, with a positive attitude and realistic expectations. You can consider this efficient procedure if you have one or more of the following aesthetic concerns.
How the Procedure Helps
A typical neck lift surgery involves the following:
The practice also offers FDA-approved, non-invasive injectable treatment Kybella to effectively treat excess fat under the chin. The surgeon would consider the extent of laxity and correction required to decide on the right technique for you.
Why Choose the Practice of Dr. Spero J Theodorou?
Dr. Spero J Theodorou is skilled and experienced in the procedure and performs a comprehensive evaluation to learn if you can benefit from the surgery. Here are the other benefits of choosing this plastic surgery practice for your neck lift procedure.
Connect with Us Today!
Call us at 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285 or send an e-mail to info@sjtheodorou.com to schedule a consultation for neck lift surgery.
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